Trophy Sheep Hunting in Alaska is the Ultimate in Mountain Hunting. It appears that the…

Mountain Hunting Alaska the pursuit of Sheep and Goat
Mountain Hunting Alaska, the pursuit of Sheep and Goat. Greg Stone had a mission that led him to Vast Alaska. Kerley´s Sporting Adventures sent him on the path to our main camp based in the Northern Chugach Range. Kyle Thimsen his guide and Talon McDonald made up the rest of the team. So they took to the Alpine in search of a respectable harvest. While en route they found a level of camaraderie that only a heavy load and a noble pursuit can provide. And the weather was as expected, a high grade of wind, rain and bugs. Greg has a deep seated root hunting, his interest in harvesting his own mountain meat leads him on these wild adventures. In addition, the guides had the same admirable qualities, the allure of the high peaks and a worthwhile objective. We can’t imagine another way of Mountain Life…
Therefore, they challenged their surroundings while Mountain Hunting Alaska in the pursuit of Sheep and Goat. To accomplish their goal they brought 10 days of rations, single man tents and a pocket stove. With the binoculars they wore they could reach out farther than their lungs could take them. It was a hard lesson, a man Mountain Hunting Alaska in the pursuit of Sheep and Goat can’t live like the urban hunter. He must shed a layer of vanity, accept humility and walk like a humble monk in the Mountains. Legends are told of the prey that will give themselves if you are worthy of the gift. The gift being, the bounty of experience that they provide. Their flesh nurtured on glacier fed waters, seasonal plants and hardships. Hardships the hunters learn in small doses trying to take home a prize of eternity, the life of their respective quarry.
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