Trophy Sheep Hunting in Alaska is the Ultimate in Mountain Hunting. It appears that the…

Tom Opres’ August Hunt
The Talkeetna weather was unprecedented, we had a spectacular trip in some of the many highpoints around. A special guest accompanied us for a Dall Sheep Hunt, Tom Opre, owner of TAHOE FILMS and producer of “EYE OF THE HUNTER”. His film works are gaining him great reputation while entertaining the masses. We couldn’t have asked for a grander podium as the magnificent mountainscape we hunted in. In the course of five days we covered a lot of terrain. Ribbonous glaciers, ice pockets, seracs and craggy granite gendarmes rose through our sites, protecting the sheep we hunted.
Eventually we set our sites on a distinguished Ram. We slept in a shallow ravine, endured some of the elements through the night. The next morning we warmed our bones while striding through cover on a well planned stalk. Ply for Ply, unaware, a well placed shot…. View his trip in the video below.
Thanks Tom, it was a Pleasure to have such a fine outdoorsman.