Trophy Sheep Hunting in Alaska is the Ultimate in Mountain Hunting. It appears that the…
Sheep Hunting with Tom Opre “Ice Cap Dall”
I had the pleasure of guiding Tom Opre sheep hunting in the Talkeetna Mountains. Bill Stevenson of Alaska Outfitters allowed me to guide Tom on a sheep hunt in some wild Alaska country. I have worked for Bill Stevenson for many years and it is always great to retrace your steps and work with a mentor of this caliber. Especially sheep hunting with a videographer such as Tom Opre. Tom has a gift of entertaining with his film works hunting all over the world. His spot on NBC sports called “Eye of the Hunter” has a grand audience every Saturday. I personally do not own a TV but got a chance to accept Tom´s award as Best of Festival for this film at the FNAWS. Sheep hunting with Tom was a lot of fun, although he is iconic on some levels he is also a realist and easy-going.
CONGRATULATIONS TOM ~ on the “Best of Festival” award at FNAWS 2015. It was a pleasure to see and be on the big screen in one of your works. Great trip and great hunt.