Trophy Sheep Hunting in Alaska is the Ultimate in Mountain Hunting. It appears that the…

Alaska Sheep Drawing Tags in the Chugach Range
* Sheep Drawing Tags in units 13 and 14 hunters apply in advance in a permit lottery. Application for permits is during Nov. 1 – Dec. 15, through Vast Alaska. Alaska Fish and Game select permits by random lottery in February. If you are drawn your hunt will be permitted for the upcoming season. We can facilitate a quick and seamless application for your Alaskan Trophy Hunt free of charge.
We took to the crags in pursuit of Alaskan Dall Sheep. Armed with a camera, high spirits and my good friend Carl Oswald. We set foot into the high country on another clear, cold and breathless Alaska morning. The weather is holding fast, a prolonged high pressure from the north has kept the clouds at bay since October. With the sun hanging lower each day we chose to scramble in the southerly aspects above the clouds and absorb the precious winter rays. We were in pursuit not only of the sun but to get some pictures of a select few old Monarchs of the High. These Rams were closing the rutting season. They assembled with the Ewes to perform their seasonal ritual. The behavior is far from the norm, preoccupied to say the least, we got a close glimpse of the action….