Trophy Brown Bear Hunt is a specific catch phrase. To some Sportsman, it is an…

Fall Brown Bear Hunting
Fall Brown Bear Hunting in the headwaters of the Alaska Peninsula Wildlife Refuge. On this Privately owned land, Vast Alaska has a long term lease for its exclusive use. This is a bountiful land in the headwaters of a particular fishery known with the highest recorded density of Brown Bears. Tony Herron arrived with the expectation of seeing some of the last wild country on the Alaska Peninsula. In preparation for his hunt he followed the Fall Brown Bear Hunting Gear List . With his guides at the ready, we flew him to a location known to produce opportunities of a lifetime.
It is common that Brown Bears in Fall will congregate where there is a source of food. Whether it is the flesh of incoming salmon runs or the sweetness of berries. You can be certain that a bears opportunistic behavior will lead it to the source. In this case, a large bruin had taken control of a dead animal. Picture a scene, wildly alive with other bears brought in for miles by the smell of a free meal. All the bears were trying to take possession of the kill site. For Tony and his guides, the key to successfully harvesting this 10 foot Boar. It was patience!