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Vast Alaska Mt. Goat Hunting Gear List

Remember this is a back packing hunt and we will be on the move, camping in different locations. Extreme weight should be avoided. This gear list should help prepare you in advance.

Temperatures range from 32F to 60F

Vast Alaska proudly endorses Sitka Gear and Barney Sports Chalet

There are many worthwhile gear makers. Use this as a guideline and a reference Pack List.

Take into consideration a few things; Alaska Mt. Goat Hunting Gear List is a guideline, these are personal views and should be taken with a grain of salt. But note, we have been around in the Chugach Range, I was born here. We know this list should get you through the thick and thin of the Hunt. But it is merely a stepping stone in your decision. I have come up through the ranks, I used to wear the clothes from the thrift store proudly.

This a game of chess, stay out of site and smell! I always like solids and i am still a simple man for plaid (it breaks up the body signature). My dad loved pendleton’s and we gave him shirts for Christmas, but he did not have the Vast Alaska Mt Goat Hunting Gear List either. My point, don’t take your SKIN as seriously as others, we will get it done! A hungry dog hunts harder than a fat lady sings. We are extremely happy that Sitka Gear took us under their wing. We also understand that you wear what you buy. Here are some finer points of the gear list…..

Boots – Boots fit your feet, try them on and make sure they work. I would never recommend resole-ing anything. When i climbed rock Dave Peg resoled all my shoes (he’s the best). You can stretch Rock Shoes, you cannot stretch Waffle Stompers as my mom called them. Buy a new pair if your lugs are worn. Sharp lugs work best in late season hunts. Remember, if you find a boot shell that fits you, buy a new pair when the lugs are worn. The other theories are bull! Dont become attached to a pair of smelly boots, plant some poppies in them.  If they fit your feet, it does not take a lifetime of miles to break a new pair in. DISSOLVE YOUR ATTACHMENT TO YOUR OLD BOOTS! THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE GOOD OLD DAYS, BUT THOSE DAYS ARE GONE! Find the fit. Use the sock recommendation and a small tube of fast acting Tinactin and you will have a recipe for success. Fast Actin Tinactin under your Gobi Wigwams Sock Liners will make your feet feel dry in prolonged wet environments. We don’t care about your body or deodorant, if your feet feel good we can travel…….

Long Underwear – I like long underwear, I wear a pair or nothing for the hunting. I keep a set dry in my stash for sleeping, that is because i use a sleeping bag (30 degree 800 fill, that is the size of a pound of coffee). Climbing peaks and rock/ice in the Chugach Range you find that everything has a use. Dual purpose and nothing extraneous in your kit. Do you want to live like the prey that you seek? Wear the clothes on your back and wait for your food to grow or bring extraneous stuff into the field to make you feel like you are at your domicile. You decide, if you breed for success, you have taken into account we are going to come home heavier than you left. Wear a pair and keep a pair dry for sleeping, we are bringing home steak with big handles!

Rain Gear – Last but not forgotten, Gore Tex rain gear is a fallacy. You were “Born Wet, Get Used to It!”. It can rain and you can hydrostatically press water into most rain gear. It is part of the game, as i mentioned.  Let it go, it is a 10 day hunt and i have never died from it and i will never die from it. We are here at Vast Alaska to make sure you never die from it. You will only become slightly miserable from it until you have a desirable outcome, which we provide. Embrace the chaos, it is as much of a part of the game as getting old. Let’s Hunt. There are some finer points to keep your kilt dry, but we can assist, that is why you hired us. There are a couple options on the Mt Goat Hunting Gear List below…..

Differences Between Sheep & Goat – Implements of a Quick Kill. Wether you are a rifleman or a bowhunter there are some finer points. Sheep are harder than the modern man, they can take a joke and die reciting it to themselves. On the other hand, Goat can hear your joke and live to tell you the joke in your dreams. Let that sink in modern hunter!


  • Sheep, I suggest a 270, 7MM, 300 Win Mag, 300 Ultra (160 – 180gr)
  • Goat, I suggest a 7mm, 300 Win Mag, 300 Ultra for Goat (180gr)


  • Sheep and Goat, Fixed Blade, Zwicki 1″ or equivalent. You aren’t going to have an expandable penetrate through 4-5″ of goat hair and heavy bone between ribs, do you want to eat, or chase irretrievable game? Practice in the wind. Off your normal stand, success is dependent on your fluidity. Visualize outside your norm.

Vast Alaska Mt. Goat Hunting Gear List


If you stick to this gear list you will have everything you need. The guide has a Satellite phone or Inreach for emergencies, Aircraft Radio and a first aid kit. All good Food, Stove, Fuel, Water filters and tents will be provided.

Be advised cotton clothing does not wick away rain and sweat from the skin, it requires too much energy for you to get dry.  Synthetic or wool fibers ONLY.

Barneys Sports Chalet – 907.561.5242  is a good outlet for hunting gear.  The crew can assist in your decisions on what you need for where you’re going. They are located in mid-town Anchorage, Alaska. They are avid Alaskan hunters and suppliers since 1963.  If you need help with anything they are well versed and will give you advice or direction. Website sales and support. They are familiar with the Brown Bear Hunting Gear List and have just about everything on the list in stock.

Sitka Gear –– The finest technical gear on the planet

Mt Goat Hunting Gear List


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