Getting to Know Us
Cash Joyce was born and raised in Alaska amongst outdoorsman. He grew up with a lifestyle embodying self-sufficiency and a deep respect for the environment. His pursuit for adventure and his pioneering spirit has lured him into uncharted corners of the state he calls home. A lifetime of wilderness and hunting logistics experience, a vast network of resources, and an abundance of local knowledge makes Cash an expert guide in the backcountry.
With 21 years of professional guiding experience, Cash provides a unique and raw experience in the Alaskan wilderness with high regard for your safety and satisfaction.
Alaska Registered Guide # 1257
Owner Neacola Mtn Air LLC –
Commercial Pilot – Air Taxi
Our Commitment
Passionate about hunting with a commitment to you and Alaska Wildlife.
Client and the hunt
It is my focus that if you invest in hunting with us, then we are invested in you. After all, this is your trip, we strive to make it as rewarding as your expectations.
Alaska and Sustainability
I was born in Alaska and raised on Moose Meat and Salmon; I do remember when the population was hovering just over 200,000. Since then the populous has quadrupled and my growing concern is how to provide the same experience to clientele that I experienced in my upbringing. The remoteness and solitude is still there but it takes acquired local knowledge to find. Our focus is Private lands and limited entry lands to effectively manage the country for longevity. Then our ethics and ideals can still be shared.

Featured on NBC Sports “Eye of the Hunter”
Cash Joyce had the privilege of guiding Tom Opre of Tahoe Films on an epic Dall Sheep hunt in the heart of the Talkeetna Mt. Range. Tom’s film won the “Best of Festival” award at FNAWS 2015. → View full post and watch the video.
Hunting Profile Questions
“Must Have” hunting gear in Alaska and why?
Sitka Gear is clearly our preferred technical gear. Moderately rigid boots for all mountain hunting, we are in the grey area between climbing K2 and a walk in the park.
Your one “Go To” hunting tactic.
Play on your adversaries move, your quary dictates how you will respond. It is invariably a high mountain game of chess.
Favorite hunting environment or terrain.
I enjoy topography, if the obstacles are in the topography or lack of terrain for cover, the challenge as a hunter is to find a way.
Hardest packout situation you’ve ever been in.
Its a necessary evil, I love to pack and its the by-product of success. The most enjoyable was a 10´ Brown Bear we harvested on the AK Peninsula. It had possessed a Caribou it had killed high on the side of a mountain. We slid down the mountain on the snow with the hide in our packs. Glissaded back to camp.
What keeps you hunting?
Hunting is the essence of Adventure. It is the harvest of your livelihood.
Why hunting in Alaska stands apart from any other place in the world.
Alaska is refreshing like a tall glass of the unknown, Vast!
Hunting Associations
Professional hunting foundations and organizations we belong to and trust.